
Here's where we post periodic updates on what we've been up to at Fathom. Reflections on the interesting stories that emerge from our client work, side projects, after-hours rabbitholes, and other miscellaneous threads of inquiry.

One lucky little clover

When Arts for Hearts asked Chris to make something for their annual charity, we decided to elaborate on a previous sketch that Chris made for fun.

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Changing Fortune
This sketch started as something I wanted to build using the Fortune 500 ranking data, out of curiosity about the rise and fall of companies in a (subjective) editorial ranking.
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James’ summer of rags
Besides becoming a father this summer, I learned a few other things about life and design. I worked as a graphic designer for ten years. Two years ago, I left my stable and profitable job to go to graduate school at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). This summer, I interned with the team at Fathom.
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Ben on Slate's “Top Right” list
A few weeks ago, Slate launched "Top Right", a project "to identify the Americans who best share Edison's dual talents for inventiveness and practical thinking."
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How special is special?
What does it mean to be one in ten thousand? If this was the incidence of, say, blue skin — am I likely to encounter a blue person in my lifetime? Would it happen once? Many times?
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It's Rag Time!
What’s better than typography and ragtime music? A typography game and ragtime music.
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Mail room
Scenes from the Fathom studio mailroom as we process our first batch of orders for the All Streets poster. Head over and grab yours while they last!
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All Streets now available as a print
After two (three?) years of receiving requests for prints of the All Streets project, we're finally making them available. In the course of preparing the project for an exhibition, I recreated the piece using more consistent data (updated TIGER/Line shape files from 2009), and, with Chris's help, wrote software to create tiles that could be reassembled into one very high-resolution image. (Most software isn't fond of images more than 30,000 pixels wide, so this part was tricky.)
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Katy steals the keys
Katy always tries to steal the key to the third floor. How to stop her? With a key ring that's too big to fit in anybody's pocket of course!
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If you're passing by 214 Cambridge Street...
Look up!
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