The Latest from Fathom—February 2018
While eagerly awaiting the Oscars, some of the movie buffs in the studio parsed through 20 years of Best Picture nominees. Rachel created a few sketches that look at the findings on movie budgets, viewer ratings, and race. For instance, this a breakdown of movies that push the 3-hour mark:

With China back in the news lately, we found ourselves thinking about Connected China, a 2013 platform we built that helps users understand and explore social ties and political power in China. With the possibility of President Xi Jinping staying in power indefinitely, we took a look at the data from five years ago to see the nuances in what’s happening now.

Over the past year, we partnered with On Being to create a new way of tunderstanding and interacting with their fourteen years of interviews. Users follow “whispers”–short pieces of text to pique one’s curiosity–to find custom-curated playlists of podcast episodes. In a recent tcase study, Ben narrates our process, walking through the project from exploration to implementation.

Recent projects

Paul hand-crafted code for a generative typeface. Explore your favorite of the 2,310 variants with this interactive tool.
Ben speaking at State Street Live on using interactive tools and platforms to tease apart and explain complex data.

We’d love to hear what you’re working on, what you’re curious about, and what messy data problems we can help you solve. Drop us a line at hello@fathom.info, or you can subscribe to our newsletter for updates.