Celebrating International Women’s Day 2016
To celebrate International Women's Day, we created a video for No Ceilings that demonstrates how achieving gender parity is critical to accomplishing the seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs). In 2015, 193 countries around the world created a global agenda—outlined by the SDGs—intended to reduce poverty, increase shared prosperity, and protect the planet, among a series of other objectives. No Ceilings is a data-driven platform we built in collaboration with the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation to measure the progress and setbacks of girls and women worldwide. Given the similar objectives of the SDGs and No Ceilings, we were both humbled and excited to create the video.

The sustainable development goals seek to improve global health, education, economic participation, and sustainability, among a myriad of other important issues. One of the objectives centers on gender equality and empowering girls and women. While it is an important goal independently, No Ceilings also sees gender equality as a force underpinning many of the other issues at play. Increasing women's participation in the labor force, for instance, could have lasting benefits for national and global economies, reducing inequalities, and expanding industry and innovation.

While the No Ceilings site provides a series of geographically and thematically nuanced stories around the status of girls and women, the video provides a comprehensive global picture. It reminds us that inequalities are not siloed to particular issues. Disparities in economic participation are connected to challenges in education and health. If discriminatory policies prevent women from gaining access to banks or other financial resources, for instance, then they are less financially independent, and less equipped to provide for the health and schooling of their families.

Girls and women make up half of the global population. By giving them equal opportunities to their male counterparts, we are all the more closer to reaching the wider sustainable development agenda. Don't forget to celebrate International Women's Day today, and every other day for that matter! Learn more at noceilings.org.

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